Goodloe style mesh Structured packing
Density: 432 kg/m3
FreeVolume: 94.5%
SurfaceArea: 1780m2/m3
BRAND: TCI-432 Equal to Knitmesh: 333
The Goodloe packing is produced by knitting a multipicity of fine
metallic and /or non-metallic filaments into a sock form which is flattened,
crimped, plied and eigther spiral wound into cartridges.
The unique structure permits Goodloe mesh packings to provide the highest
efficciency available in tower packing.
Goodloe Features:
1. High efficiency
2. Low pressure drop
3. Wide operating range
4. Easy installation and retrofit
5. Wide range of materials of construction
Goodloe Benefits
1. Reduce column height requirement
2. Increase column operating range
3. Reduce column pressure drop
4. Reduce column energy consumption
5. Increase product purity